Oncology Massage

Oncology Massage
By Virgil Anderson


How Massage Therapists Help Cancer Patients


Massage therapists help their clients in a number of ways from reducing neck or back pain to simply easing stress and helping them feel more relaxed after a long day. For cancer patients, some of the benefits of massage therapy are even more meaningful. People living with all types of cancer, from colon cancer to mesothelioma, can reap the many health and wellness benefits of massage therapy when working with one who specializes in oncology massage?


What is Oncology Massage?

Massage therapists are trained and licensed professionals who manipulate and rub to relieve tension, stress, and pain. An oncology massage therapist has received additional training and is skilled in working with cancer patients. These professionals have learned how to work with the special needs and the limitations of individual cancer patients to help relieve symptoms of the cancer and its treatments, to help relieve stress and anxiety, and to help improve quality of life.


What are the Benefits of Oncology Massage?

The benefits of massage therapy are well-known and have been studied, but researchers have also investigated oncology massage and found that there are concrete health benefits for cancer patients receiving specialized massage:


  • Massage manages pain. Massage therapy has long been used to relieve pain, especially muscle and joint pain. Research backs this up and studies have found that regular massage sessions can significantly reduce pain in cancer patients. Cancer and the medical strategies used to treat it can cause a lot of pain, and while medications may help they can also cause their own side effects. Massage can help reduce pain and reliance on painkillers.
  • Oncology massage mitigates side effects of treatment. Cancer itself causes a lot of unpleasant symptoms, but the treatments can be even worse. One of the most common side effects of chemotherapy is nausea, which causes vomiting and loss of appetite as well. Massage therapy has been shown to reduce nausea in chemotherapy patients and make the treatment more tolerable.
  • Massage helps patients cope with negative feelings.Understandably, cancer patients struggle with a lot of negative feelings, like depression, fear, and stress. Massage therapy is known to help reduce these feelings, and to help cancer patients specifically, to be able to better cope with the feelings as they arise. Massage helps relax patients, calms them, and provides a lasting mood boost.
  • Oncology massage provides a better quality of life. With less pain, a better way to cope with depression and stress, and minimized side effects from treatment, cancer patients can be more active, sleep better, and generally enjoy life more. They are able to go out and do things they used to do, including socializing and avoiding becoming isolated. All of the benefits of massage therapy come together to help cancer patients enjoy life even while fighting this terrible illness.


To enjoy the benefits of oncology massage you must work with a trained and experienced professional. Talk to your doctor or oncologist before you try massage because you will have limitations that your therapist will need to be aware of to give you the best treatment. Massage therapy is generally safe, and cancer patients can get all the benefits of this complementary type of care that make life more enjoyable and comfortable.



The Neck, Shoulders and the Back

The Neck, Shoulders and the Back
In today’s world these areas tend to take the punishment for lots of different reasons. Just to name a few: key coding, operator, dispatch, nurses, doctors, law enforcement, construction and the list goes on. Not excluding the mental stress which, also strains these areas.What may seem as just a nuisance to your neck, shoulders and back can be more significant that you realize.
At our clinic, we are trained to identify the root of the problem and, have had great success helping our clients overcome the pain and along with recommendation of self-care treatment.
Please feel free to leave any questions of concern, or even successful input you may have experienced. This is an open forum and we welcome the community to questions and suggestions and your own experiences.
We look forward to hearing from you. And do not hesitate to contact our office for a visit. We are a well-trained staff in many areas. There is someone here to fit your every need. We offer hot stones and heated rice bags as amenities free of charge with every massage to help facilitate to progress of healing.

Shannon S. White, LMT, IN

Oncology Massage

Oncology Massage
By Virgil Anderson

How Massage Therapists Help Cancer Patients

Massage therapists help their clients in a number of ways from reducing neck or back pain to simply easing stress and helping them feel more relaxed after a long day. For cancer patients, some of the benefits of massage therapy are even more meaningful. People living with all types of cancer, from colon cancer to mesothelioma, can reap the many health and wellness benefits of massage therapy when working with one who specializes in oncology massage?

What is Oncology Massage?
Massage therapists are trained and licensed professionals who manipulate and rub to relieve tension, stress, and pain. An oncology massage therapist has received additional training and is skilled in working with cancer patients. These professionals have learned how to work with the special needs and the limitations of individual cancer patients to help relieve symptoms of the cancer and its treatments, to help relieve stress and anxiety, and to help improve quality of life.

What are the Benefits of Oncology Massage?
The benefits of massage therapy are well known and have been studied, but researchers have also investigated oncology massage and found that there are concrete health benefits for cancer patients receiving specialized massage:

•Massage manages pain. Massage therapy has long been used to relieve pain, especially muscle and joint pain. Research backs this up and studies have found that regular massage sessions can significantly reduce pain in cancer patients. Cancer and the medical strategies used to treat it can cause a lot of pain, and while medications may help they can also cause their own side effects. Massage can help reduce pain and reliance on painkillers.
•Oncology massage mitigates side effects of treatment. Cancer itself causes a lot of unpleasant symptoms, but the treatments can be even worse. One of the most common side effects of chemotherapy is nausea, which causes vomiting and loss of appetite as well. Massage therapy has been shown to reduce nausea in chemotherapy patients and make the treatment more tolerable.
•Massage helps patients cope with negative feelings. Understandably, cancer patients struggle with a lot of negative feelings, like depression, fear, and stress. Massage therapy is known to help reduce these feelings, and to help cancer patients specifically, to be able to better cope with the feelings as they arise. Massage helps relax patients, calms them, and provides a lasting mood boost.
•Oncology massage provides a better quality of life. With less pain, a better way to cope with depression and stress, and minimized side effects from treatment, cancer patients can be more active, sleep better, and generally enjoy life more. They are able to go out and do things they used to do, including socializing and avoiding becoming isolated. All of the benefits of massage therapy come together to help cancer patients enjoy life even while fighting this terrible illness.

To enjoy the benefits of oncology massage you must work with a trained and experienced professional. Talk to your doctor or oncologist before you try massage because you will have limitations that your therapist will need to be aware of to give you the best treatment. Massage therapy is generally safe, and cancer patients can get all the benefits of this complementary type of care that make life more enjoyable and comfortable.

Spring 2017

We are gearing up for the 16th class which will meet for the first time April 22, 2017. Our open house for prospective students will be on February 21 at 5 PM. There are nine candidates so we have opened the class to six instead of four.

If you or anyone you know is interested in massage education please call (765)610=0707 for more information.



We are preparing for our grand opening of the new facility at 804 W. University Ave.

There will be refreshments and door prizes, please stop by if you are in the area. It is from 1-4 August 15th, this Friday.

Harvey gets a ride

Last week we moved into the new school building. Harvey got a ride to the school. Many people took his picture as he rode down the street. We might have to put him in a parade!

Harvey gets a ride

Anatomy class 2014

The students of the 11th class we have had going through the school did an anatomy class last week. They did a great job of working on learning the muscles of the head and face. I was very impressed at how hard they worked to make these just right. Good work!

Students in anatomy class.

Students in anatomy class.

anatomy class2 anatomy class1 anatomy class

School Open House

On August 30th we are having an open house from 1-3 . I hope many of the people wh0 have asked for catalogs will come and visit us. We will be showing off the new rooms and there will be refreshments starting at 1PM. Then we will take some time from 3-5 for people to try out doing massage. The current students are invited so you will be able to speak with them about their experience.


Our offices for the school and massage therapy clinic will be at 804 W. University Avenue next to University Dental. It is a beautiful building and we are looking forward to being there. Our official date to move is August 1st. Dr Roberts was very gracious to let us come in and paint while she still has the building so we will have a nice transition.
The first clinical will be on August 9th. Our open house will be the afternoon of August 15th from one to four. We hope you will all stop by for refreshments.