The Neck, Shoulders and the Back

The Neck, Shoulders and the Back
In today’s world these areas tend to take the punishment for lots of different reasons. Just to name a few: key coding, operator, dispatch, nurses, doctors, law enforcement, construction and the list goes on. Not excluding the mental stress which, also strains these areas.What may seem as just a nuisance to your neck, shoulders and back can be more significant that you realize.
At our clinic, we are trained to identify the root of the problem and, have had great success helping our clients overcome the pain and along with recommendation of self-care treatment.
Please feel free to leave any questions of concern, or even successful input you may have experienced. This is an open forum and we welcome the community to questions and suggestions and your own experiences.
We look forward to hearing from you. And do not hesitate to contact our office for a visit. We are a well-trained staff in many areas. There is someone here to fit your every need. We offer hot stones and heated rice bags as amenities free of charge with every massage to help facilitate to progress of healing.

Shannon S. White, LMT, IN